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What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is an area of specialization in dentistry where the main focus is treatment, management, and repair of teeth, damaged by disease. It also covers diseases that afflict the supporting structures of teeth. Ultimately, the goal of this specialization is to rehabilitate the teeth of individuals to make them fully functional, and aesthetically presentable in accordance to the requirements of the patient.

The specialization encompasses three other major specializations in the study of dentistry, namely: prosthodontics, periodontics, and endodontics. The multifaceted coverage implies that the discipline is meant to be studied for the treatment of complex dental issues. Indeed, restorative dentistry studies how the other three major specializations are related with one another so that complex dental cases that require multifaceted care can be treated more effectively.

Seeking Advice

Determining the right treatment for tooth problems is a difficult task. It is always important to seek advice for the proper restorative procedure before making a decision. Ask the opinion of your dentist in Sterling, VA about the right treatment, but you may also need additional guidance from other dentists, depending on the complexity of your case.

For Partially Damaged Teeth

Teeth are some of the most complex materials to treat. Their structure, when damaged, is not the easiest thing to restore. In the past, gold and silver were used as restorative materials for partially damaged teeth. Advanced methods used in current practices have gotten rid of gold and silver in favor of the more reliable methods that use âbonding.â Bonding makes use of materials that are able to stick with what is left of the damaged tooth structure. These filling materials properly fill the spaces within teeth and are aesthetically beneficial because they better match natural tooth color.

Causes of Damaged Teeth

For teeth damaged by diseases, the restorative procedure requires finding the origin of infection, controlling the infection, and determining the best oral care for the patient.

Sometimes, the problem is not related to an infection. If there is no infection, the dentist will check for structural problems that are otherwise naturally occurring in the patient. An example would be malocclusion where the jaw and teeth have improper alignment. The approach for this problem is to correct the misalignment first.

There is also the case where there is excessive wearing of the teeth. This can happen to people who do not have a straight bite.

Restoring Options

You have several options for restoration. For a single damaged tooth, the dentist may just require you to undergo an implant procedure. The dentist will put an implant in the location of the missing tooth and then top that implant with a prosthetic crown later. The same can be done with two or more teeth missing in a row.

For people who are missing most or all of their upper or lower teeth, a common restorative dental procedure involves creating a prosthetic denture. Implants are also used in this procedure, but only four or six will be used just to create a sufficient amount of support for the new denture.

Six Simple Steps To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

It is undeniable that having sensitive teeth can cause significant discomfort. The good news is this condition can be treated. Depending on the root cause of your tooth sensitivity, your treatment can be as simple as using desensitizing toothpastes, or more specific as applying tooth fillings. What is more, adopting good oral hygiene practices, and applying them every day, can significantly preserve your pearly whites for the long term. Here are six ways you can reduce your tooth sensitivity.

1. Clean your teeth regularly.

This step includes flossing and rinsing as well. These two steps are often neglected when it comes to dental hygiene. Flossing removes food particles trapped between spaces that cannot be reached by your toothbrush. When done regularly, you lower the risk of tooth decay due to plaque buildup. In the same way, rinsing with quality mouthwashes prohibits bacterial growth, keeping your mouth clean, and your breath fresh. Cleaning your teeth regularly means doing so at least three times a day.

2. Shift to soft-bristled brushes and apply gentle strokes.

Most people think that aggressive brushing most likely leads to cleaner teeth. Unfortunately, aside from food traces, enamel is also removed when you brush your teeth aggressively. Furthermore, there is a high risk of distorting gum tissues that protect your teethâs roots. Being mindful of your brushing is beneficial for your gums and teeth in the end. Using soft-bristled brushes, and applying gentle strokes particularly around the gum line, preserves your enamel and gum tissue.

3. Use special toothpastes and products suitable for sensitive teeth.

Products with a milder pH prohibit further degradation of your enamel. Desensitizing toothpastes act as micro fillers for areas where your roots are exposed. As a result, you are able to enjoy hot soups and cold desserts with frequent use. Take note that you should not choose tartar control products because they are more acidic.

4. Be mindful of what you eat.

Certain foods are highly acidic, and may cause further damage to your teeth. Some of these are tomatoes, citrus fruits and juices, wine, and sodas. A great tip is to eat fatty foods like a slice of cheese, or to drink a glass of milk to cut the acidic reaction of highly acidic foods. When consuming wine or soda, always have it with a meal to reduce contact of the acids with your tooth enamel.

5. Never grind your teeth.

Habits such as clenching your teeth can endanger teeth and tooth nerve. While the enamel is the strongest material in the body, frequent application of friction through grinding, speeds up wear and tear, damaging your enamel over time. Using mouth guards as often as needed is advisable.

6. Visit your dentist at least every 6 months.

Befriending your dentist has its obvious share of health benefits. A visit every six months is sufficient to make you aware of the condition of your teeth. You can opt to visit your dentist in Columbia, Maryland more frequently, if you often experience discomfort from sensitive teeth.

Helping Athletes With Whole-body Vibration Training

Running Has Become The Most Popular Sport In The United States Mainly Because Of The Small Start Up Costs Associated With The Sport. Becoming An Endurance Athlete Is Becoming More And More Popular As People Try To Push Their Bodies To Do More. A Whole-body Vibration Machine Offers An Opportunity To Boost Fitness, Increase Bone Mineral Density, Increase Range Of Motion, And Overall Flexibility.

The whole-body vibration machine works by creating an unstable surface. The exerciser stands on the platform with their knees bent around 30-dress and the platform surface vibrates up to 30 times per second. The unstable surface convinces your body that it is falling and the brain responses by sending signals to the body to start the stress reflex. The stress reflex is an extremely rapid muscle contraction, which is the action that is responsible for the main benefits of the whole-body vibration machine. Your body acts as form of resistance training and the vibration of the machine acts as a form of acceleration that you would receive the same effects of running or walking by standing on the platform.

For athletes, both professional and the weekend warrior, they can see the benefits of the whole-body vibration machine which causes a reduction of the stress hormone called cortisol and an increase of the human growth hormone. This benefit alone will help reduce the time it takes to heal from an injury as well as the human growth hormone is well known for increasing overall muscle repair especially after a hard workout as well as new muscle growth. The whole-body vibration machine also increases range of motion and flexibility, when these abilities are increased they will decrease your chance of becoming injured.

Merax Vibration Platform

According to a study completed by the Journal of Bone and Mineral Researchin 2004 found that using a whole-body vibration machine for 30 minutes three times a week increased overall bone density in hips. Increasing the bone density in the hips is extremely helpful for the overall health of any athlete that either runs, has running part of their sport, or experiences impacts in their chosen sport.

The whole-body vibration machine also increases the circulation of its user. For athletes increases in circulation helps with oxygen delivery to all the muscles of the body. Increasing in oxygen keeps lactic acid in the muscles from building up and allowing the athlete to compete longer and at a higher performance level.

When the platform vibrates and the stress reflex is started it activates muscles in the athletes core. The core muscles are the foundation of all activity and when the core muscles are strengthen then there is an increase in overall performance level. A study has found that standing on a platform that vibrates while still eating the same or smaller amount of daily calories will decrease the size of the torso. Whether you are looking for a way to decrease injuries or you are looking for a way to increase your overall performance level then a whole-body vibration machine should be something you should add to your gym.

The Different Types Of Malocclusion

Malocclusion is the improper alignment of the upper and lower teeth. There are different types of malocclusion. Here are 10 of them:

1. Diastema or a Space Between Two Teeth

This type occurs because of the following:

a. Jaw is too large.

b. Teeth are small.

c. There are missing teeth.

d. It is a natural development of the teeth (for some people).

2. Crowding Problems

This is the opposite of spacing problems. This time, there is not enough space for all the teeth to fit within the mouth. This may occur due to a disharmony of the number, shape and size of teeth in relation to jaw size.

3. Upper Protrusion or Overjet

In this type, the upper front teeth stick out; hence, there is a space between the upper and lower teeth when the person is biting. Some of the possible reasons include:

a. Thumb sucking

b. Use of pacifier beyond age 3

c. Prolonged use of bottle for feeding

d. Nail, pen or pencil biting

4. Midline Asymmetry or Dental Midline

The midline is the vertical groove located between the base of the nose, and the top of the upper lip. Normally, the upper and front teeth should be in alignment with the midline. However, skeletal or dental deviations can cause the shift of either the upper or lower front teeth away from the midline.

5. Cross Bite

This is when the lower tooth/teeth is/are placed inside the upper tooth/teeth. Cross bites can affect one tooth only or multiple teeth. It can be in front of the mouth (anterior cross bite) or at the back of the mouth (posterior cross bite). It can also be classified as buccal cross bite, meaning it is near the cheeks, or lingual cross bite, which means it is near the tongue.

6. Open Bite

In this type, there is the presence of a gap or space between the upper and lower front teeth. The probable causes of this condition are tongue thrusting, and wrong posture of the tongue and mandible.

7. Overbite

There is a vertical overlap (more than 5 mm) of the central incisors of the upper teeth over the central incisors of the lower teeth. In severe cases, the lower teeth can reach the roof of the mouth. This could be because of irregular spacing of the teeth, or due to a congenital misplacement of the maxilla.

8. Under Bite

As the opposite of overbite, there is overlap of the lower teeth over the upper teeth. The lower jaw becomes prominent. Severe cases of this type can be managed through surgery on the jaws, extraction of teeth and use of braces.

9. Rotation

There is displacement of the tooth or teeth from the long axis. This would create an alteration in contact with the adjacent teeth.

10. Transposition

There is an anomaly in the position of one or more teeth.

Invisalign will correct a wide range of these teeth straightening issues. To learn more, contact a provider of Invisalign in Annapolis, MD.